KBC Croma Quiz Answers Today 11 September 2023

KBC Croma Quiz Answers Today 11 September 2023- KBC Quick 5 Quiz– Today September 11 Monday, this week’s KBC Croma Quiz question is out. All KBC Croma Quiz Answers are given below to read If you want to participate in the KBC IDFC Bank Croma Quiz, then This post may help.

KBC Croma Quiz Answers Today 11 September 2023- KBC Quick 5 Quiz

KBC Croma Quiz Answers Today 11 September 2023

Croma KBC Quick 5 Quiz Answers In English 11 September 2023

[mcq question=”Who is the famous bhakti Saint who belonged to the royal family of Mewar?” options=”Chaitanya, Andai, Meerabai, RamaBhai” answer=”Meerabai”]

[mcq question=”Which country’s military contingent participated in the Indian Republic Day Parade in 2023?” options=”Indian Army Force, Egyptian Army Force, Australian Army Force, China Army Force” answer=”Egyptian Army Force”]

[mcq question=”What is the capital of Mississippi?” options=”Jackson, Santiago, Ottawa, Dallas” answer=”Jackson”]

[mcq question=”How many surgeries has the world record holder endured during his lifetime?” options=”970, 280, 120, 55″ answer=”970″]

[mcq question=”The Battle of Boxer, a significant battle in the history of colonial India, was fought in which year?” options=”1996, 1834, 1764, 1798″ answer=”1764″]

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Croma KBC Quick 5 Quiz Answers In Hindi 11 September 2023

[mcq question=”मेवाड़ के शाही परिवार से संबंधित प्रसिद्ध भक्ति संत कौन हैं?” options=”चैतन्य, अंदल, मीराभाई, रामभाई” answer=”मीराबाई”]

[mcq question=”2023 में भारतीय गणतंत्र दिवस परेड में किस देश की सैन्य टुकड़ी ने भाग लिया?” options=”भारतीय सशस्त्र बल, मिस्र के सशस्त्र बल, ऑस्ट्रेलियाई सशस्त्र बल, चीन सशस्त्र बल” answer=”मिस्र के सशस्त्र बल”]

[mcq question=”मिसिसिपी की राजधानी क्या है?” options=”जैक्सन, सेंटियागो, ओटावा, डैलास” answer=”जैक्सन”]

[mcq question=”विश्व रिकॉर्ड धारक ने अपने जीवनकाल में कितनी सर्जरी सहनी हैं?” options=”970, 280, 120, 55″ answer=”970″]

[mcq question=”औपनिवेशिक भारत के इतिहास में एक महत्वपूर्ण लड़ाई बॉक्सर की लड़ाई किस वर्ष लड़ी गई थी?” options=”1996, 1834, 1764, 1798″ answer=”1764″]

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