KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 10 October 2023

Today Tuesday 10 October 2023 KBC Offline Quiz Questions And Answers Have Been Released At 10 A.M, Want To Know The Question Answers For 10 October 2023 Then Check The Update Of The KBC Offline Quiz Below. Follow Us For More Updates And Information.

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 10 October 2023

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 10 October 2023 In English

[mcq question=”What is a “CD” in Banking?” options=”Credit card, Certificate of Deposit, Checking Deposit, Current debit” answer=”Certificate of Deposit”]

[mcq question=”Bohemian Switzerland National Park is in which country?” options=”Argentina, Bulgaria, Morocco, Czech Republic” answer=”Czech Republic”]

[mcq question=”Who is known as the father of Zoology?” options=”Darwin, Lamarck, Aristotle, Theophrastus” answer=”Aristotle”]

[mcq question=”Which was the first film to win the Filmfare Best Film Award?” options=”Do Bigha Zamin, Jagriti, Boot polish, Gandhi” answer=”Do Bigha Zamin”]

[mcq question=”How many Indian match officials are part of the officiating team named for the 2023 Women’s T20 World Cup by the ICC?” options=”1, 5, 3, 7″ answer=”3″]

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KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 10 October 2023 In Hindi

[mcq question=”बैंकिंग में ‘सीडी’ क्या है?” options=”क्रेडिट कार्ड, सटिफिकेट ऑफ डिपॉजिट, चेकिंग डिपॉजिट, करंट डेबिट” answer=”सटिफिकेट ऑफ डिपॉजिट”]

[mcq question=”बोहेमियन स्विट्जरलैंड राष्ट्रीय उद्यान किस देश में है?” options=”अर्जेंटीना, बुल्गारिया, मोरक्को, चेक रिपब्लिक” answer=”चेक रिपब्लिक”]

[mcq question=”प्राणीशास्त्र के जनक के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?” options=”डार्विन, लैमार्क, अरस्तू, थींओफ्रस्तुस” answer=”अरस्तू”]

[mcq question=”फ़िल्मफ़ेयर सर्वश्रेष्ठ फ़िल्म पुरस्कार जीतने वाली पहली फ़िल्म कौन सी थी?” options=”दो बिगहा जमीन, जागृति, बूट पॉलिश, गांधी” answer=”दो बीघा जमीन”]

[mcq question=”2023 महिला T20 विश्व कप के लिए ICC द्वारा नामित मैच अधिकारयों में कितने भारतीय हैं?” options=”1, 5, 3, 7″ answer=”3″]

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