KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 9 October 2023

Today Monday 9 October 2023 KBC Offline Quiz Questions And Answers Have Been Released At 10 A.M, Want To Know The Question Answers For 9 October 2023 Then Check The Update Of The KBC Offline Quiz Below. Follow Us For More Updates And Information.

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 9 October 2023

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 9 October 2023 In English

[mcq question=”Which was the first Indian movie nominated for Oscar?” options=”Salaam Bombay, Mother India, Lagaan, Shree 420″ answer=”Mother India”]

[mcq question=”Which of the following Himalayan regions is called ‘Shivalik’s’?” options=”Upper Himalayas, Inner Himalayas, Outer Himalayas, Lower Himalayas” answer=”Outer Himalayas”]

[mcq question=”Which of the following is known as the Diamond City of India?” options=”Surat, Mumbai, Jaipur, Panna” answer=”Surat”]

[mcq question=”Who is authorized to issue coins in India?” options=”Banks, NABARD, Public Sector banks, Government of India” answer=”Government of India”]

[mcq question=”Which country in the world is believed to have the most miles of motorway?” options=”India, England, China, Italy” answer=”China”]

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KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 9 October 2023 in Hindi

[mcq question=”ऑस्कर के लिए नामांकित पहली भारतीय फिल्म कौन सी थी?” options=”सलाम बॉम्बे, भारत माता, लगान, श्री 420″ answer=”भारत माता”]

[mcq question=”निम्नलिखित में से किस हिमालयी क्षेत्र को ‘शिवालिक’ कहा जाता है?” options=”उच्च हिमालय श्रेणी, केन्द्रावती हिमालय, बाह्य हिमालय, लघु हिमालय श्रेणी” answer=”बाह्य हिमालय”]

[mcq question=”निम्नलिखित में से किसे भारत की डायमंड सिटी के नाम से जाना जाता है?” options=”सूरत, मुंबई, जयपुर, पन्ना” answer=”सूरत”]

[mcq question=”भारत में सिक्के जारी करने का अधिकार किसे है?” options=”बैंकों, नाबार्ड, सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक, भारत सरकार” answer=”भारत सरकार”]

[mcq question=”ऐसा माना जाता है कि विश्व के किस देश में सबसे अधिक मील का मोटरमार्ग है?” options=”भारत, इंगलैंड, चीन, इटली” answer=”चीन”]

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