KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 4 October 2023

Today Wednesday 4 October 2023 KBC Offline Quiz Questions And Answers Have Been Released At 10 A.M, Want To Know The Question Answers For 4 October 2023 Then Check The Update Of The KBC Offline Quiz Below. Follow Us For More Updates And Information.

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 4 October 2023

KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 4 October 2023 In English

[mcq question=”What is the official name of the clock tower commonly referred to as Big Ben?” options=”London tower, Great bell, Eiffel tower, Elizabeth Tower” answer=”Elizabeth Tower”]

[mcq question=”Which organization provides the credit history of the borrowers?” options=”CIBIL, CII, FRBI, IRDA” answer=”CIBIL”]

[mcq question=”Which city is known as ‘Detroit of Asia’?” options=”Chennai, Hyderabad, Meghalaya, Srinagar” answer=”Chennai”]

[mcq question=”Which country invented and developed the early Internet?” options=”Germany, Italy, USA, Japan” answer=”USA”]

[mcq question=”Out of these languages, which language is spoken by the people of Lakshadweep?” options=”Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil” answer=”Malayalam”]

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KBC Offline Quiz Answers Today 4 October 2023 In Hindi

[mcq question=”आमतौर पर बिग बेन के नाम से जाने जाने वाले क्लॉक टॉवर का आधिकारिक नाम क्या है?” options=”लंदन टावर, ग्रेट बेल, एफिल टॉवर, एलिज़ाबेथ टॉवर” answer=”उत्तर-एलिजाबेथ टावर”]

[mcq question=”कौन सा संगठन क्रेडिट इतिहास प्रदान करता है?” options=”सिबिल, सीआईआई, एफआरबीआई, आईआरडीए” answer=”उत्तर- सिबिल”]

[mcq question=”किस शहर को ‘एशिया का डेट्रॉयट’ कहा जाता है?” options=”चेन्नई, हैदराबाद, मेघालय, श्रीनगर” answer=”उत्तर-चेन्नई”]

[mcq question=”प्रारंभिक इंटरनेट का आविष्कार और विकास किस देश ने किया?” options=”जर्मनी, इटली, अमेरिका, जापान” answer=”उत्तर- अमेरिका”]

[mcq question=”इन भाषाओं में से कौन सी भाषा लक्षद्वीप के लोग बोलते हैं?” options=”कन्नडा, मलयालम, तेलुगू, तामिल” answer=”उत्तर-मलयालम”]

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